Let me help you  relax & unwind Let me help you  relax & unwind I want to learn  all about you I want to learn  all about you I want to enjoy myself with you I want to enjoy myself with you If you like me, why not  invite me to play
Let me help you relax & unwind
Conversation, cuddling, intimacy and magic hands......
Let me help you relax & unwind
Conversation, cuddling, intimacy and magic hands......
and much more
I want to learn all about you
I want to know what makes you tick, what you enjoy and what turns you on.
I want to learn all about you
I want to know what makes you tick, what you enjoy and what turns you on.
I want to enjoy myself with you
I will communicate the details of what works for me so we can have a genuine mutually pleasurable time.
I want to enjoy myself with you
I will communicate the details of what works for me so we can have a genuine mutually pleasurable time.
If you like me, why not invite me to play
Booking inquiries by text or email are welcome. I am limited at times which I can take phone calls


choose me?


I am attracted to people of all genders, colours, cultures, ages (18+) as well as bodytypes and disabilities.

I find if I like someone as a person I also enjoy how they look as it is the image I associate with all the other good things.

I'm excited to explore fetishes and fantasies that aren't harmful or illegal.


With over a decade of experience in the industry as well additional life experience... I know what I am doing.

If you are hiring a professional for the job, you want the expertise that only time and practice can bring - even if it is a blow-job or a gum job.

I have had training in a wide range of skills relevant to specific kinks. I have also done training with Touching Base for working with people with disabilities.

Naturally Curious

I love to learn about people and what makes them tick.

I enjoy getting to know people and sharing stories and experiences.

I love understanding people kinks and specific good buttons physically and psychologically. I enjoy figuring out the puzzle that each person is when it comes to what they want, need, and enjoy.


What I could do with you...

I can provide a range of styles services to suit your tastes. Classically I am a healthy mix of Girlfriend and Porn Style, I like kissing, cuddling and touching whilst chatting and getting to know someone, then getting more hot and heavy and things progress. I find that moving along at a slightly more natural pace makes exploring each other all the more genuine and enjoyable. Each person has their own vibe and it can take more than 5 minutes to find the best rhythm for both of us. That said, if you want to just bang from the get go I’m cool with that too.

Being genuinely pansexual (bisexual+) I also enjoy spending time with ladies or couples. I completely service both males and females, or any combination. Doubles and swinging with either another female or a male can be arranged on request.

Please rest assured all information on this website is 100% genuine.
Everything I say I offer, I do deliver. I have many couples call me
concerned that they have seen other operators who did not live up to
their promises.
This is NOT the case with me. I do not mislead others
and waste their time and I expect the same respect in turn.

I am available to attend swingers clubs and parties with my clients, I am as interactive as the client wishes me to be.

My standard service can be a very passionate porn style service, or gentle and teasing.

Showering and pre and post shower chatting is additional to your booked time, I will not make you feel hurried. Unless you are on a tight schedule, session may take an hour or more on top of your booked time.

I do not place limitations on the number of climaxes my clients may experience in their time with me, the more the better!

Full Service

I offer full service as standard, touching everywhere, oral sex and protected intercourse.
We can do any positions we can comfortably manage and see what works best for how we fit together.


Full body, back, scalp, feet I don't mind. I am strong and skilled and I will work out the tension with a deep massage or just gently if you prefer to just relax.


I'm happy to kiss you, and you to kiss me as well. Lips, other lips,and anywhere that takes our fancy really.

Joint Shower

I will arrive pre-showered - which ideally you will too. But we can jump in shower before to freshen up together, or just keep going in the shower... or just relax together afterwards and let me scrub you clean then pamper you by toweling you dry after.


I have a selection of toys suitable for use on me or on you. I can put on a show for you using toys on myself - you can even control some via a phone app! You can get more hands on with them - or I can explore your body's reactions to varied stimulation.

Deep French Kissing

If you have suitable oral hygiene we can enjoy more passionate deep kissing. Tongues are wonderful for exploring each other. We can start with mouths and then find other sensitive areas on each other.


Maybe one hand, maybe two. Lube or spit or some combination. I've got this cool swirly motion i like to do with my wrist in rhythm with stroking...


I like to get up close and personal. Snuggling and just being physically close to each other. A bit before we get more hot - and plenty after as we relax.

Dirty Talk

I can whisper sweet nothings... well maybe not that but I can tell you about the stream of dirty thoughts that runs through my head when I get excited. If you are a bit creative I am happy to role play with you as well.


Like warm apple pie..... please make sure you nails are trimmed and filed - no sharp bits please! I will help you find my most effective areas if you enjoy using you hands to please.

Body Slide

Let me use you as a human slip n slide. Oil or gel as you prefer.
I can work my body up and down and all over you. Back or maybe more the front and slide down and use my breasts on you, combined with a handjob or oral on you as well. I am quite nimble and flexible.


I enjoy play wrestling, a combination of very sensual and some rough n tumble. I like to think I can be challenging to most people. I don't stay pinned easily and my flexibility may surprise you just when you think you've got me pinned well enough.


I pride myself on my ability to suck long, hard and well. I love watching your reactions as I swirl my tongue, head and one hand on your shaft and another on your balls.
I've been told I could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
I enjoy causing peoples legs to quiver and feel like jelly afterwards.


Like a blowjob, but teeth-free. Health issues led to me making the choice to go the removable route a bit younger in life than i expected.
So I now have an extra special experience to offer you.
I have been told it feels just that bit more intense and I have a greater freedom of motion not having to keep chompers out the way.


There are many choices of where you could finish - but mouth always seems to be a favoured option.
Maybe combined with a facial if your aim is a bit off... hehe


Why stop right at the best bit? I will drain you fully. Fresh is best - so it is better if you haven't ween saving it up all week. I am happy to snowball/kiss you with it if you are into that - else ill keep it all for myself.


It stands for dining at the Y - a euphemism for cunnilingus - but easier to spell.
I will guide you to how it works best on me if you enjoy using your mouth to make a women writhe and moan.

Golden Showers

Some people count squirting in this category - and that can happen with some skilled hands or toys.
You pick a place and ill go on you... I am open to being on the receiving end from my neck down.


I am open to a fair variety of kinks between consenting adults. If it doesn't hurt me, pose too much of a health risk or is likely to get me arrested I may well be up for it.
I have had a wide range of experiences and have some specialist skills and some of my own weird interests.
Some extra charges may apply for shorter bookings that involve more setup or clean up.


It could be under toys - but its a special type of toy. I am more comfortable with a strapless strap on. I slide it into me an grip it tight before sliding into you.
I will warm you up with my gloved hands or a smaller toy first if needed


I enjoy tickling others, and I am very ticklish myself. I can't say than I enjoy being tickled - but it is very effective at arousing me.
I will squeal, squirm and try to wriggle away - might need to combine it with the wrestling if you want to keep at it 🙂


I am comfortable with photos being taken during a session for your own personal use. or if you find a particularly hot view maybe you'll send it to me and I will post it if I am the only one in shot or you approve otherwise.
You may not share photos of me without my written permission.


If a picture tells 1000 words then what does 60 pictures a second tell? Presumably the whole story in graphic detail ....
As with photos you may not share video of me without permission - but if I am the only one in shot or you like to show off I may like to post them somewhere....

Something Else?

I may need to draw more of these icons... but if you have something else in mind I haven't covered - ask me. I don't bite unless asked very nicely - or maybe if you are rude or overly graphic on your first enquiry.

Even more words

about me......

I’m in my early 40s now.. and slight midlife crisis … so I’m back to old tricks (so to speak) and I have an urge to travel.
I’m female, I’m pansexual and polyamorous and a bit neurospicy.

My hair is currently dyed red (not fire-engine red), it’s curly and shoulder length. I’m curvy woman with bit bigger than a D cup bust.
I have big blue eyes, full lips, pale skin, some freckles.

I have several large coloured tattoos (almost no black), all of which are on my back and I have a piercing in my lip ( face lip not the below waist ones). I wear simple piercing jewellery, and have suitable outfits which cover my tattoos so I can be taken out on the town with out attracting undue attention – unless of course your seeking that 🙂

I have experience in business and occupations across various sectors as well as university study. I have always been a high achieving student and enjoy having intelligent conversation on almost any topic. I have had a huge amount of life experience. I can easily relate to people of all ages and walks of life – I’m a been there, seen that, kind of person and very easy going. I can have a dry, sarcastic, smutty sense of humour but I am known to burst into girlish giggles to some of the simplest clean jokes. I am a bit quirky sometimes bordering on eccentric and I often spout off lines from movies in some sort of attempt at being comedic. I love live music and have travelled all over the country to see my favourite bands. I also love art (I draw, paint, sculpt, sew and do crafty things), dancing, Minecraft and reading chemistry and biology text books – I am a bit of a nerd.

f2023-08-28 08

Get inside my head..

and I'll get in yours.

I am very open and honest, and have a tendency to be fairly blunt. I don’t do secrets so you can ask me pretty much anything you like, but be warned I will answer it straight up and honestly – so don’t ask anything you don’t want to know – as I take no responsibility of your reaction to my answer.

I enjoy the time i spend with my clients, I am not forced into this industry by any circumstances. I choose to spend time doing this, discovering new things about myself and exploring the many intimate possibilities.

Personally, whilst sex is the “central” part of a session, I don’t find it is the most important. To me the connection with another person, conversations, contact and non verbal communication are all the more important. I believe in making experiences very personal and real not distant and purely physical as it is all the more fulfilling than just getting your rocks off by friction. I tend to spend much extra time just chatting with my clients beyond the set booking time, quite often it my clients who have to leave for some other appointment, or if its late at night I have to get kicked out so they can get some sleep for the next day of work.

I have a long term partner and I take very good care of my health. I am regularly tested and visually check clients for the protection of my health, my partners and my other clients.

Yeard Old
Years in industry
Media Articles & TV spots
Awards Won


About me

Nope, I trim the edges so it isn’t sprawling everywhere but I have a little bush. You can see it in my photos.

Yes I drink, my favourites are Verve Clicquot Ponsardin (French champagne) and Brokenwood Cricketpitch (Red variety blend) or a Cointreau, Lime and Soda. I generally prefer red to white wine, and like reds that are a blend of at least 3 varieties, but not including shiraz – I’m not too keen on shiraz. I have stopped smoking now, but I am fine if you wish to smoke around me. I still adore the smell of cigarette smoke. I could possibly still entertain smoking fetishes for those that do require them however.
Yes all the pictures are me. The dates are shown under each image.
No, I’m a business woman as well as a nympho.
On my birthday, when I do it will say so in the latest news

Oh yeh I have sh*tloads. I post them on my various socials and places I post fetish content. You may not like how dirty I get in them though.

5’2″ without shoes, 5’6″ with 🙂
Yes it is. I build and maintain my own website, and I am very honest about myself and my services. I believe that by being honest about just how I am, people who choose to book me, book me just as I am, because they like how I seem – this way I get to meet people who I will get on better with and have more fun myself. I don’t believe in misleading people it only leads to disappointment and frustration.

Yup for the most part – I decided to battle with wordpress this time instead of build from scratch. Remind me to put up archived versions of old sites if you read this.

I’ve decided to include this as I’m always asked, now this is by no means a requirement for your booking, as your booking is about you, and I do very much enjoy a whole bunch of things with different people, everyone has a different vibe. However (in no particular order), I find sploshing/WAM/food sex (to the extreme – messy and slimy – not insertions though) very effective but I like, men in suits (top hat and tails is best), belly buttons, men with their necks arched right back (watch out for this one however I get vicious), soft english accents, nerd factor, statisticians, other girls, orgies, wrestling (can be included with the girls and the messy fetish ideally), being told dirty stories along any of the above lines whilst I’m being masturbated and being kissed behind my ears so I get goosebumps.

TBH I got a bit boring with age – well relative to how I used to be anyways. You can find me on my phone most of the time, either listening to music matching little 3d things or maybe playing minecraft.

I like discussing life, philosophy, telling dirty jokes and just hanging about having a good chat.

See fetishes list 2 questions up.
This varies depending who I am with, different people fit together in different ways – what works for 1 wont work for another. That said, generally I like standing up doggie facing a mirror.
One of my pet peeves is people who don’t read, i.e. people who ask me questions already clearly answered on my website , I spend ages making and keeping this thing up to date – so when people ignore it – it shits me. Alternatively, if you just sms me all the time with chatty messages not queries, I will either not answer or answer in a terse manner, if you call to follow up after about 10 sms in a short period of time, i’ll probably not be that friendly on the phone. If you message me with a Hi or similar when my status is away on whichever chat thing, I probably won’t answer, mainly because if the status is away I’m probably not there, if I see that message when I do come back online and you are offline – i tend to just close the window – if you make a genuine inquiry however I will answer that when I come back to online status even if you are offline. If you sms or DM me with illegible chat speak, crude messages or just animated emoticons or nudges I am likely to be rude back or just block you straight up. If you call or sms me and I have your number saved in my phone with a little note about you being annoying before, or you call ID withheld and I recognise your voice – I may be nice to start but then change tone shortly after. If you have been a no show, a price arguer or a repeat canceller – I probably won’t consider any new enquiry genuine and wont be very helpful. This may all seem not so nice, but generally I am the sort of person who calls a tool a tool and communicates with them with as much respect as they tend to show me. Basically if your a jerk – I will be a jerk to you. If you are reading this, you probably don’t have to concern yourself greatly as you are unlikely to be in any of the above categories – unless I’ve already stopped replying to you! Treat me with respect – and I’ll do the same to you.

I have older blog entries on these I will get to digging out – remind me 😉

It is right down the bottom of the page – just keep scrolling – if people haven’t actually looked at my site and scrolled down a bit -I don’t feel they should be calling me. This FAQ entry is like a second chance I guess. At least you are reading some of my site.

I’m the only person who will answer my phone, but I will not answer calls at random times due to my home life. Please send me a text message first introducing yourself and whatnot – then we can arrange to have a phonecall chat at a time that suits us both.

Actually I have a husband. We live together, we’ve been together for over 15 years, he knows well what I do and is very supportive. I am very honest and don’t hide things from him or anyone else.

I am also polyamorous so depending on how my adventures are going otherwise I may also have a number of other more on going or casual relationships also.

I am used to talking freely about my life and all those people in it, I am an open book. If you would like the exclusivity/monogamy role play please inform me when making a booking and I will refrain from speaking openly of my life.

Services, Service Length and Availability

Nope sorry, I cannot offer incalls at this time, and even when I did all services are strictly by appointment.

It varies – but middle of the day most days, and from mid evening onward. I have school run to do most days – so I need to be around for those times unless arranged especially well ahead of time.

I am not currently offering incalls. I can join you at a hotel/motel or your home if suitable.

Generally no. 1 hour is my minimum booking time. You can kick me out earlier if you want to – but it will not change the price.

No. I don’t do samples. I am a business woman, not a sexual charity.
Yes, I am a business woman. If I ended up seeing everyone for free I’d be very sore and homeless…

Thank you for your concern but I don’t have an orgasm shortage. I’m taken care of at home and by full fee paying clients. I don’t offer a cash off if I cum scheme.

People who work in entertainment venues do not get their wages docked if they enjoy the show.

Would you bring along the extra cash and pay more if I think you are a totally dud root? I find arrogant, “up-yerself” and disrespectful attitudes a total turn off – you could be up for almost twice the rate it started at!

I have a younger husband, some young friends and a fine selection of virile young men as regular paying clients – I’m not short on youthful action. That said older guys are usually better in bed because they have realised sex is not just about their penis. Young guys can be just as good with some good training. So I think I’ve got that all covered.

Yes! I do special prices on various service offerings. Check my Latest news at bottom of the page or my socials.

There is a new and to be longstanding promotion for a 5% discount if you speak some coherent Welsh to me.

The published discounts in the various places are all that is currently on offer.

I charge for my time not for limiting specifics within the time, unless you are after something extra special and kinky that attracts an additional charge.
For lack of a nicer expression, tit f**king.
It is analingus, roseleafing or licking the anus using a latex dam for protection, I do not do this service unprotected.
Yes, I provide all the things we will generally need in the session. Condoms, various lubes, oils, lotions, powder, chocolate body paint, tissues, toys etc….

Natural Services

Only oral sex – giving or receiving.

You need to be well cleaned, and if you have a foreskin it needs to be fully retractable and cleaned underneath.

Yeh sure why not! It will wash out. I’d like to know if you’d like this when you make the booking so I make sure I have plenty of time before my next booking to fix my hair up again.
No I don’t. But I can if it is preferred.
Yes, provided you don’t have any coldsores.

No, not under any likely circumstances. I won’t even consider it for less than $1M, even then I’d probably still say no, unless you have an STI screen I put you in a cage for 6 months and test you again – then maybe.

Fantasies and Specialities

Easier to say what i don’t! I don’t do animals (unless they are the blow up variety) or anything with children (unless you are into adult babies), you can’t mark me besides perhaps a little pink from some light spanking, I won’t receive brown showers, and I don’t not unprotected penetration (vaginal or anal). Basically if its not a big health risk, wont hurt me or illegal its all good.
Nope. It is not something available on request – if I offer it there is no additional charge.
Anal is not something I offer on demand or request really for that matter. I have been injured in the past by someone who was not all that large, but refused to stop when I said so because he was nearly finished. This resulted in me bleeding everytime I went to the bathroom for about the next six months. I have since had some very sucessful pleasurable anal experiences with an ex-boyfriend who was of quite reasonable size. This was totally pain-free because he always took the time to tease and get me worked up for it, and his aim was to provide me pleasure, as he got off on causing others to get off. So now I won’t trust just anyone to do it, it is something that will be at my request – not that of others. If someone is prepared to take the time and get me in the mood teasing the right places in the right way, I may well say do you want to try anal – if they ask can I stick it in your arse now, as a query or with some expectation then my interest in it will likely immediately vanish. Do you want more in there? – would probably be a more suitable phrasing. I am very limited to what size I can manage in the interest of not being damaged any further. Availability strongly depends on client size – absolutely must be thinner than a 20c piece as well as depending on my mood at the time. I am unlikely to offer it if I have not seen you a few times before. If anal is something you are totally set on I would highly recommend finding a worker who specialises in it. I play well with others so maybe have them join us.
Yeh, funny thing is by saying that – you clearly show you are the sort of person I will never feel comfortable offering anal to. Whilst I appreciate the notion of I am paying it is about me – as opposed to paying for an overall shared experience – this is not something that appeals to me to provide anymore than what you are paying for. People who work in theatres/live music venues don’t get the ticket price deducted from their wages, enjoying the show is a perk of the job. Some shows will be more something you tolerate rather than enjoy.
Maybe, but its much the same answer as the previous questions.
I allow it, without extra charge but don’t include kissing afterwards in the same service if it is done unprotected. If rimming I only do it protected – using a dam.
Depends on the size of tool I’m working with – but I do my best!
Deepthroating is something that varies it’s not just size – it’s shape and if it’s straight or bent or how easily it flexes, since unless adopting sword swallowing position there is a bit of a corner to get round. I don’t make guarantees I can deepthroat -only that I try my best.
Like I said it depends on overall shape and flexibility its not a set thing I can give a measurement for…or are you asking in the ideal situation with an item most suited to my match my own physical shape?
Any particular SI units you’d prefer such an estimate to be in? I must admit I am failing to see exactly what the nature of your questioning and disatisfaction of my responses does to determine my quality as a person who overall provides a pleasureable time. Hmm ideal situation about 2.48929013 × 10^-17 lightyears.
As i said about 2.48929013 × 10^-17 lightyears.

Oh no I work in SI units, imperial measurements were phased out in Australia between 1970 and 1988.


 It is an example of how I will respond if you keep asking inappropriate or general trivia questions and not in a respectful way. I do become a smart arse. This was not the first section of similar questions from this particular individual.

Oh yes, quite a collection! Please let me know when booking what kind of items you require! I have recently been adding rechargeable app controlled toys to my collection – I had trouble keeping enough batteries in the house before. I typically bring 2 or 3 different sized vibrators, a blind fold and some other variety of adult knick knacks.

Yes, but all toys used on myself are to be covered with condoms for hygiene purposes.
Yes, definitely if you are gentle and don’t injure me!
Absolutely – I have more fun if you know what to do with them too!
I will give it, but I can’t accommodate it as I don’t have the room!

Yep. But you cannot share it with others without my written permission.

If you get some good shots of just me in the shot or you are willing to share images with parts of you in them – then I may like to be able to share/publish them.

Food sex is involving some culinary delights to the experience. Could be a simple as some whipped cream or chocolate body paint or covering each other head to toe in custard! If your are really keen you could set up a jelly filled kiddie pool in your lounge room and i’ll come jelly wrestle with you or your wife or you could book one of my friends to join us as well!

I can with enough patient company, or some good toys. But its more of a gush than a spray across the room. I can’t guarantee this will happen in any given session – but we can give it our best shot.
Yes both. I receive neck down only and do not allow directly onto genitals. I give wherever you like however 🙂

Couples Service

Yes. Its all much the same to me wherever it comes from. I am also up for snowballing/cum swapping if you are!
Yes I am more than just Bisexual I am pansexual, and I very much enjoy the time I spend with ladies 🙂

Not at all. I am very friendly and understanding , we were all new at things once! I am patient and we can take things as slow as you want so you are comfortable. We can have some social drinks first, play strip poker, watch some porn, or play some adult or electronic board or card games to get things moving and calm the nerves.

You may find it better for a longer booking so you don’t feel rushed. For ladies whose first time it is with other woman, I usually start with a relaxing therapeutic massage that gradually gets hotter and naughtier. The trick when your nervous is to get hornier than you are nervous and let the lust take over. Plenty of shy first timer women have ended up directing the show, saying what she wants to see who do to whom and in what way! I certainly don’t mind being dominated by a horny woman and I have never heard her partner complain either.

Sure thing, seduction role play is not a problem. I do recommend however that your partner does know the deal, even if she doesn’t want to witness the business deal. If she doesn’t know and for whatever reason doesn’t take to the seduction attempts, is too nervous or just doesn’t like me I can’t necessarily help that. I try my best but well you can’t make people anything, and even if you could I wouldn’t do anything against someone’s will. If this was the case I would provide a partial refund dependent on how much time we have spent and my travel costs. Basically don’t lie to your partner, make the decision to hire my services together, and agree to the seduction, more natural role play. It is a role play, not a way to trick someone you care about, you should always be honest in relationships – secrets can damage them.
Absolutely. But for health reason’s all toys used on me must be covered in condoms.
None whatsoever. As long as you are clean, healthy and not too likely to have a heart attack during the session (joking but serious none the less) I have no qualms about age difference and I am yet to find someone I can’t find something attractive about. Be friendly and we’ll have a great time together.
Yes of course. I’m comfortable with you being interactive amongst yourselves as long as there is still a spot for me to join in too!

Health, Security and Drugs

Yes, I am screened for STI’s regularly, blood, and swabs including throat swabs. I don’t indulge in any substance I cant get in a chemist, or the grocery store.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
For incalls, I may save your number to my phone incase you call me again, I also keep track of what booking I have done to reward my regular clients with the 4 visit bonus. Outcalls the information is given to my security driver who retains it only whilst I am in the booking. I never contact clients unless I have been asked to do so at a specific time, I am confirming a booking or chasing a cancellation fee.
No, but you are welcome to


I don’t currently have plans for any tours. I am available for overnight interstate bookings bookings with enough notice, a deposit and paid return airfare.
Yes, please contact me to arrange details. Sufficient notice in advance required. I do not travel internationally with client I do not know extremely well.

About You

Not vaginally if you can be a little gentle at first, anally it can be a width issue, I don’t want to be damaged.
I am happy to see anyone provided they are clean and respectful adults capable of consent.

Don’t send me genital pictures, of yours or otherwise. I don’t offer an appraisals service, I am not very impressed, and it’s kinda rude exposing yourself to a stranger without asking them first. Also I find virtually shoving your cock in my face, kinda rude, and I’m likely to think less of you for it.

This might seem odd, but I generally don’t care much for the look of genitals. If you are lucky they should be the least attractive thing about you. I’d much rather see your face. To me genitals are the tools I use through which I can provide joy and pleasure. Why look at the car keys, when you want to drive the whole car? Why would I be interested in the pen, I am interested in what you can write with it. Please note this does not mean send me a video of you wanking either.

Absolutely. I’m friendly and open and I love to help people experience new things. We were all new once! I’m happy to impart my sexual wisdom and teach you all the tricks I know too 🙂
Absolutely. I would need to see you in a hotel or at your home. I’d rather see you at your home however, as you will have all the necessary equipment for your mobility.
I am happy to see anyone with varying medical conditions, and it does not phase me at all – we are all people. Provided your medical condition does not increase my health risk, I do not mind at all 🙂


What People Say?

Booking Options







Limited Time Offer




Long travel distance or special fetishes requiring additional preparation, consumables or clean up may attract an additional charge.